

Drama provides opportunities to research interpret and analyse the actions of human beings in various contexts: in essence, what it is to be Human. Drama is all about problem solving and the way that lessons are structured give students experience of working under pressure, developing resilience and the importance of perseverance. The practical, collaborative nature of the subject provides a means of preparing students for the demands of their future lives in their interactions with others by developing their verbal communication skills and inter-personal relationships.

Year 7

Introduction to devising and script work. With a focus on conduct and group work.

Year 8

Developing devising and scripted work.

Year 9

Application of skills in devising and script work.

Years 10 & 11

Learning about Job Roles and Practitioners in existing plays. Working towards and performing plays. Creating drama based on a Brief for an audience.

Sixth Form

Analysing the work of Theatre Practitioners. Understanding and performing contrasting styles of Theatre. Collaborative Group Workshop to create performance work.

Extra curricular opportunities

Annual School Show,

Key Stage 3 Drama Club,

End of year Talent Show.

Who to contact if you want further information