Ofsted Report October 2022

Summary of findings

  • Abbot Beyne School continues to be a good school.
  • Abbot Beyne is a welcoming, nurturing and caring school. Leaders have created a climate where learning is a priority, summed up by the shared motto, ‘Everyone a Learner. Everyone Learning’. The school’s values to ‘be respectful, be responsible and be resilient’ support this.
  • Pupils are happy at this school and say that they feel safe. They are polite and courteous to visitors. Pupils behave well. They move around the school calmly and act sensibly towards one another during social times. In lessons, pupils listen carefully and join in when asked to do so by their teachers. Occurrences of bullying are rare and pupils say that when it does happen, teachers will deal with it swiftly and decisively.
  • Pupils benefit from a wide variety of enrichment and extra-curricular activities.
  • Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum. Together with subject leaders, they have thought carefully about what pupils should know, do and understand in each subject.
  • Teachers’ subject knowledge is strong. In most subjects, they use this to question pupils in depth about their learning, including students in the sixth form.
  • Leaders prioritise pupils’ personal development. They have recognised the importance, particularly in response to the pandemic, of pupils fully understanding their roles and responsibilities in the school. For example, the ‘Onward Together’ programme in Year 7 provides a smooth transition from primary school and ensures that all pupils understand and support the school’s values.
  • Pupils learn about various topics such as healthy eating, sexual health and well-being. Pupils, including those in the sixth form, are well prepared for the next stage of their education.
  • Pupils behave well in lessons. This has a positive effect on their learning. They enjoy warm and positive relationships among themselves and with their teachers. They have positive attitudes to their learning and are tolerant of others’ cultures and beliefs.
  • Teachers are proud and happy to work at this school. They report that leaders care about them.
  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders responsible for protecting pupils from harm discharge their duties diligently and thoroughly.