

Why love Science?

From the Big Bang to Mobile Phones, Science is everywhere. Science is about looking towards the future and long-term solutions for a variety of modern day issues. Scientists push the boundaries of technology to enable new discoveries and advances in fields as diverse as Medicine and Astronomy, or as big as Structural Engineers or small as Nanotechnologists, wherever you look science has had a part to play in the development of our modern world.

Science will help you to discover the way the world and the universe works. From the very smallest sub-atomic interaction to the furthest reaches of the Universe, Science is a way of investigating, understanding, and explaining our natural, physical world and the wider universe. It involves generating and testing ideas, gathering evidence – including making observations, carrying out investigations and modelling, and communicating with others – in order to develop scientific knowledge, understanding, and explanations. Science has the answers.

During science from years 7 to 11, our aim is to ensure the awe and wonder of science includes maintaining the curiosity of every learner encompassing the knowledge and skills required to achieve their potential.

Big Ideas in Science

Science covers a huge range of topics and Big Ideas that are explored, in detail, over the Key Stages.  Science is a search to explain and understand phenomena in the natural world.  Big ideas are statements that attempt to describe some major understanding that students need to develop.

  1. All matter in the Universe is made of very small particles.
  2. Objects can affect other objects at a distance.
  3. Organisms are organised on a cellular basis and have a finite life span
Why the study of Biology is important

Simply put, biology is the scientific study of life, and just like life, biology is a rich and diverse field of study.  Primarily, the science of biology is mainly the study of life.  It provides an in-depth, scientific understanding of how all living and non-living organisms interact with each other. In addition, it gives insights on how diverse life forms are. Moreover, biology encompasses other fields of research that are related to the sustainability of life, including the environment, ecosystem, food quality, causes of illnesses, the development of medicines, the study of the human body, to name but a few.

Biology will be taught in a way to develop curiosity about the natural world. The curriculum will develop insight into how science works; and a full appreciation of its relevance to our everyday lives. The scope and nature of studying biology will be broad, practical and relevant. It is our vision to encourage students to be inspired, motivated and challenged by science and its contribution to society.

Why the study of Chemistry is important

Chemistry is the study of matter and its interactions with other matter and energy. It is the science that helps to explain everyday phenomena.   Chemistry explains how food changes as you cook it, how it rots, how to preserve food, how your body uses the food you eat, and how ingredients interact to make food.  You use chemistry to help decide what cleaner is best for dishes, laundry, yourself, and your home. You use chemistry when you use bleaches and disinfectants, even ordinary soap and water. You need to understand basic chemistry so you can understand how vitamins, supplements, and drugs can help or harm you. Part of the importance of chemistry lies in developing and testing new medical treatments and medicines.  Chemistry is at the heart of environmental issues. What makes one chemical a nutrient and another chemical a pollutant? How can you clean up the environment? What processes can produce the things you need without harming the environment?

Chemistry will be taught in a way to develop curiosity about the natural and modern world. Our curriculum develops insight into how science works and a full appreciation of its relevance to our everyday lives. The scope and nature of studying Chemistry will be broad, practical and relevant. It is  our vision to encourage students to be inspired, motivated and challenged by science and its contribution to society.

Why the study of Physics is important

Physics allows us to understand the workings and mechanism of our universe from the smallest objects, the fundamental particles, to the largest objects, black holes and the entire universe!

Physicist look for patterns, rules and the simplest ideas and laws that explain the behaviour of larger systems.

Everything around us is explained by the laws of Physics; the transfer of energy when an object moves, the forces on the human body and on vehicles and buildings, the invisible electromagnetic waves that allow us to communicate using electronic devices, the electricity that we use to power our homes and devices as well as the electric signals that transmit information around our bodies, radioactivity that can be used to unleash vast amounts of energy but can also cause damage to living creatures and the study of space which has allowed us to send technology to other planets and land probes on asteroids.

Studying Physics helps you to develop your problem solving and logical thinking. Physics requires the language of mathematics to express the laws that govern the forces and interactions of objects as elegant equations. These equations describing the laws of the universe are used to program computers, create computer games, send satellites to space, create AI and driverless cars and much more.

Our teaching enables us to study some important concepts in Physics such as electricity, magnetism, forces, light, sound and space. We begin to learn and apply Physics equations to instil a deep, lifelong understanding of the world.

Having an interest in Physics is an advantage to employers in an increasingly more technological world. It is an interest in technology, development, sustainability, the unanswered questions about the Universe and the unknown.

Curriculum Map
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Students are taught to explore new ideas and are encouraged to investigate independently.  At times, this means they will fail but resilience is a key skill of a Scientist.  Sometimes Science is hard, you will be challenged to extend your learning in a variety of ways from solving complex mathematical problems to explaining biological process in a logical and clear way, using a plethora of key scientific terms.

Vocabulary (Tier 2 & 3)

Knowledge Organisers are used for important key words and ideas in Science.  These allow an easy way to begin to learn and reference the required vocabulary and knowledge to be a successful Scientist.  Subject specific terms such as chromatography, distillation, photosynthesis and electromagnetism are learnt.  Additionally, everyday words that scientists use to explain their work are explored such as investigate accuracy, variable and hypothesis.


Numeracy is an essential skill to enable modelling and calculation of dozens of scientific processes.  These numeracy skills are explicitly taught and assessed in Science.  In all three branches of Science, mathematical manipulation will be required.

Links with other subjects

Science has clear links with many subjects.  Probably the most important links are mathematics, Geography, Technology.  These are explored in various topics such as Preventing and Treating Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases; The Earth, Our Atmosphere and Our Resources; Electrical Circuits and Electricity in the Home.  These links are not exhaustive but show a few of the areas that enhance the interleaving nature of the subject.

Assessment in Science

In Years 7, 8 and 9 assessments are built into the curriculum with regular formative assessments taking place. Summative assessments take place at the end of each topic for all years.  Students are regularly provided with therapy opportunities, which arise from analysis of assessments.  All students complete an exam during the summer term in order to acclimatise them to an exam hall and to prepare them for the experiences of external exams at Key Stages Four and Five.

In Years 10 and 11, topic assessments are completed which cover the subject skills for that specialism but also assess the prior knowledge from these areas.  Year 10 have an end of year exam, enabling them to have exam hall experience again with a GCSE focus. Year 11 students also have two mock exams during the year in order to prepare them for the upcoming GCSE exams. Students are provided with detailed question level analysis from these to support their progression in this subject.

In Years 12 and 13, have regular topic and termly assessments throughout the course.  Year 12 also have an end of year mock in the hall, the basis of this is decided upon by the course lead for each of the subject areas. Year 13 students also have two mock exams during the year in order to prepare them for the upcoming A Level exams.

Useful links

Key Stage 3 – BBC Bitesize, Tassomai, Seneca Learning

Key Stage 4 – Tassomai, Seneca Learning, Kerboodle YouTube: Cognito, Freesciencelessons, Fuse School

Key Stage 5 – Seneca Learning, Kerboodle

Extra curricular opportunities

Trips to Salters chemistry academy, Birmingham University Christmas Lectures, The Big Bang Fair

Entry into various competitions

Science Club – with the opportunity of achieving a CREST award

Who to contact if you want further information

Mrs C Lowe